Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


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Belluard Festival 2012 productions on tour

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30 year-olds were born in the eighties. 30 year-olds don’t just buy their furniture from IKEA. 30 year-olds have decent insurance. 30 year-olds have an electric toothbrush. 30 year-olds get backache. 30 year-olds have divorced friends. 30 year-olds buy organic meat, seasonal vegetables and fair trade coffee. 30 year-olds cook with olive oil. 30 year-olds have a facebook account, a linkedin profile and they tweet. 30 year-olds read newspapers. 30 year-olds remember where they were on September 11th 2001. 30 year-olds don’t remember where they were when the wall fell. 30 year-olds had a game boy as a child. 30 year-olds only dance at parties when they’re already a bit tipsy. 30 year-olds like to sip from elaborate cocktails. 30 year-olds suffer from worse hangovers. 30 year-olds watched the X-Files. 30 year-olds go on Sundays outings. 30 year-olds vote. 30 year-olds are flexible workers: they work too much and earn too little. 30 year-olds are impatient. 30 year-olds have been to New York, and would like to visit South Africa. 30 year-olds listen to Justin Timberlake. 30 year-olds start thinking about savings. 30 year-olds are ecologically conscious. 30 year-olds get along with their siblings. 30 year-olds think about the future, not about the past.

The Festival Belluard Bollwerk International is 30 years old. It’s not so young, but also not so old. Life begins at 30! Long live the Belluard Festival!

The festival team
(inspired by a text by Israel Lima)