Festival Belluard Bollwerk International


Alys Hubek, Anyma, Duri Darms, Eric Fischer & Christophe Jaquet

(Fribourg, Paris & Lausanne)

The three gentlemen from Hubeskyla, tired and bewildered by the decibel level of their performance, created Alys Hubek in order to muddy the landscape rock. Superfluous amps were replaced by guest musicians and the visuals duo Anyma, fuzz pedals by a bass clarinet. And the result is no less wild and noisy – a unique concert not to be missed!

Belluard Bollwerk
  • Sun 30.6. 22:00
  • 20.- / 15.- CHF

With : Lionel Gaillard (guitar, bass), Mathias Bieri (guitar, bass), Fabrice Seydoux (drums).

  Guest: Christophe Jaquet (vocals), Duri Darms (keyboards), Eric Fischer (saxophone, bass clarinet) & Anyma (visuals).

© Pierre-Yves Massot